Industry members are talking about Denise Gardner Winemaking

“Since our winemaking journey began in 2018, Denise has been a tremendous help with her expertise and patience. We feel more confident in the skills she has shared with us and continue to be excited as we refine them each year. She has met the goal we share in aspiring to be better winemakers, and has been a huge part in leading us towards the honors we’ve already received for our wines.”
Jayme Henderson and Steve Steese, Owners and Winemakers, The Storm Cellar (Hotchkiss, CO)
“Denise’s knowledge on the wine making process in knowing what to do and when saves so much for me because she eliminates all the guess work I would have done. The organization of production management has been very helpful, and Denise’s notes provided after our calls are my life saver.”
Keelan Dickson, Owner and Winemaker, Rosemary Manor (Post Falls, ID)
“In addition to Denise’s detailed winemaking assistance, the online resources have been an abundance of help not only for additional learning, but for planning ahead. They have helped me understand and identify where some missteps occurred in my previous harvests.”
Krista Hartman, ‘FarmHer’ and Winemaker, Hartman Vineyard (Sadler, TX)
“Winemaking is a process of continual learning, and even after making wine for twenty years, I find that I need someone with whom I can work through new ideas or that has insights into chemistry and materials that I’m not familiar with. Denise is that person who points me in the right direction or opens my eyes to issues I wasn’t seeing. She’s had a profound effect on my winemaking, and our wines are much better for it.”
Carl Helrich, Owner and Winemaker, Allegro Winery and Vineyards (Brogue, PA)
“Building our FDA winery compliance documentation was super simple and easy for me. I really appreciated Denise’s willingness to understand processes and coach us through which concepts were flexible versus which concepts we should adjust our practices to better meet regulatory expectations.”
Sarah O’Herron, Founder, Black Ankle Vineyards (Mount Airy, MD)
“Spring Gate has been an incredibly fast growing commercial winery with big ambitions for local Pennsylvania wine. In just a few months we’ve had remarkable collaboration with Denise in quality improvement and new product development as we prepare for another year of opportunity in 2018. Looking back, it would have been so much quicker and easier had we had she been consulting with us in 2014 when we started.”
Martin Schoffstall, Spring Gate Vineyard and Winery (Harrisburg, PA)
“Denise is a wealth of knowledge! I attribute my success in wine sensory to her while I worked in the wine industry.”
Emily Hockstra, Life and Career Coach
“I’ve previously experienced Denise’s trainings, and would suggest anyone to consider signing up for her educational sessions in the near future.”
Zoran Ljepović, Sales Director & Winemaking Consultant, Canadell Inc. (Oak Supplier)