By Chr. Hansen Want a chance to learn more about malolactic fermentation (MLF) and how to make it work consistently with your wines? Innovative leaders in malolactic fermentation management, Chr. Hansen offered this webinar about MLF that covered: The life of malolactic bacteria, Oenococcus oeni. The magic number needed to start converting malic acid to […]
Malolactic Fermentation
Q&A Summary: August 2020
Topics Covered:Barrel SeletionsYeast Strain SelectionMixing Juice during FermentationNutrient Additions & Supplement StrategiesMLF InoculationYeast FilmsSulfur Dioxide Stock Solutions2020 Scott Labs Nutrient Supplement StrategiesLearning Wine Sensory Picking your barrels: Is it worth paying the extra money for the extra dry time for oak barrels (the seasoning)? Is it beneficial? The short answer to this is, I don’t […]
Checklist: Essential Wine Production Analyses
While wine analytical evaluation may not always be the most exciting part of wine production, it is an essential component to quality wine production. The chart below indicates minimal wine analyses that should be included at various stages of production. Most wineries, of all sizes, can integrate these minimums into their analytical wine lab. Additional […]
Production Guide: Red Wine Processing Techniques to Enhance Red Color
Production Guide: Red Wine Production Diagram – Co-Fermentation
Production Guide: Red Wine Production Diagram – Primary Fermentation with Sequential MLF