Topics Covered:Winery SoftwareHarvest Planning
April 2021: Q&A Summary
Topics Covered in the April 2021 Q&A Sessions:Re-Starting a Fermentation at 1% RSHeat & Cold Stability TimelinesHow Acid Additions Affect Protein & Cold StabilityEnzymes for Filtration ProblemsToasted vs. Untoasted Barrel HeadsTannin Profile Based on Growing RegionCherry Wood Oak Aging
September 2020: Q&A Summary
Topics covered in September 2020 Q&A SessionsIdentifying Post-Bottling SedimentLabs for Juice/Wine TestingEquipment Needs for Analytical TestingRosé Skin Contact TimeYeast InoculationRots and Wine QualityExogenous Tannin Dosage RatesWhole Cluster PressingMonitoring YAN during FermentationStoring Grapes Prior to Fermentation I have struggled to get my white wines clear for bottling. This past season I treated with both bentonite for […]
YAN, Part 3: Adjusting YAN during Fermentation
“YAN, Part 1” discusses the chemical components of YAN is and how YAN contributes to wine quality beyond being an indicator for fermentation nutrition. “YAN, Part 2” reviews when winemakers can sample must/juice for YAN analysis. It also covers analytical options for measuring YAN. This presentation, “YAN, Part 3: Adjusting YAN during Fermentation” reviews quality […]
Q&A Summary: August 2020
Topics Covered:Barrel SeletionsYeast Strain SelectionMixing Juice during FermentationNutrient Additions & Supplement StrategiesMLF InoculationYeast FilmsSulfur Dioxide Stock Solutions2020 Scott Labs Nutrient Supplement StrategiesLearning Wine Sensory Picking your barrels: Is it worth paying the extra money for the extra dry time for oak barrels (the seasoning)? Is it beneficial? The short answer to this is, I don’t […]
YAN, Part 2: Measuring YAN
“YAN, Part 1” discusses the chemical components of YAN is and how YAN contributes to wine quality beyond being an indicator for fermentation nutrition. “YAN, Part 3” reviews quality risks affiliated with low, medium, and high YAN musts/juices, and fermentation nutrient supplementation strategies. “YAN, Part 2: Measuring YAN” reviews when winemakers can sample must/juice for […]