This may be an unpopular opinion, but I don’t think there is any way to “sell” wine diamonds to the average wine consumer. I’ve heard so many explanations for why they exist in a wine bottle: At the end of all the explanations, and sometimes we need those excuses because physical chemistry is hard, the […]
Wine Style
Introducing “Voices of the Vine,” DGW’s Podcast About Wine
In 2019, I had determined that the podcast world lacked an exploratory, fresh voice on wine. Honestly, I was completely bored with wine conversation in every direction. The traditional, “here’s a region and here’s what the wines taste like,” feels overdone. The influencer approach with highlight reels of world travel, living in high end resorts […]
Harvest Is Coming
Guess what? Harvest is starting to sneak up on us. Although there is probably TONS of work to be done in the vineyard, it’s also time to start preparing the winery for harvest. Do not let harvest preparation get away from you. Any good winemaking team will tell you that one of the key methods […]
Does it take 12 weeks to bottle a wine?
If you ordered “Everything You Wanted to Know about Wine Bottling,” a 3-part webinar series presented by winemaking and wine QA/QC expert, Zoran Ljepović, you may have noted that he indicates it takes at least 8 to 12 weeks to bottle a wine. How can that be?! What is “Pre-Bottling?” Pre-bottling, the set of operations […]
Did grape rot affect your wine vintage?
DG Winemaking Can Help! For many winegrowing regions, the vintage harvest season can leave winemakers in a state of distress or frustration. When the presence and proliferation of rot creeps into the vineyard during harvest season, there are a number of wine processing decisions that can influence the future of the wine’s quality. Most grape […]
3 Trendy Winemaking Techniques for 2021
Winemakers often get overly ambitious at the start of a harvest season. It’s an opportunity to try new techniques, alter wine additions, and create something they previously imagined. However, conquering the fundamentals associated with winemaking often provides a solid foundation for crafting really great wines. This includes things like: Having sound sanitation practices. Receiving and […]