I have come to find that most winemakers struggle with operations that occur before bottling or packaging. This includes operations after malolactic fermentation is complete, while the wine is in storage, blending, stabilization, filtration, and bottling itself. Many may wonder what the “best” order is to complete various operations, or even find themselves asking how […]
Protein Stability
Real Winemaking Questions, Answered!
Successfully Conquer Cold Stability, Films, Protein Stability, & More! Like a winemaking card catalog, I siphon through all of the information that is out there, selecting the tool that is going to most benefit your operation and provide you with an immediate answer.” — Denise M. Gardner I wanted to take some time to introduce […]
2020 Quarter One Winemaking Updates
Authors Note: This blog post and vlog were created prior to the U.S. outbreak of COVID-19. The material covered here is based on observations, projects, and interactions with wineries prior to the various state orders to address the ongoing COVID-19 crisis. For more information pertaining strictly to COVID-19, please see past blog posts. Hello! Welcome […]
What’s in that wine? Taking a closer look at wine protein stability.
Wine contains a number of soluble proteins that are derived from grapes. In fact, several processes that enhance skin exposure or extraction time during harvest and fermentation can increase protein concentrations of wine. This includes basic harvest operations like mechanical harvesting, crush and destemming (as opposed to whole cluster pressing), and maintaining late press fractions. […]