This may be an unpopular opinion, but I don’t think there is any way to “sell” wine diamonds to the average wine consumer. I’ve heard so many explanations for why they exist in a wine bottle: At the end of all the explanations, and sometimes we need those excuses because physical chemistry is hard, the […]
Protein Stability
Are You Stabilizing and Preparing Wines for Bottle Properly?
While many winemakers tend to focus heavily on operations and timeliness during harvest, the reality is that post-fermentation processes tend to require a better understanding by many winemakers. Failing to recognize when an operational step is required can be heavily detrimental to wine quality and extend resources of winery employees that are unnecessary. For example, […]
3 Trendy Winemaking Techniques for 2021
Winemakers often get overly ambitious at the start of a harvest season. It’s an opportunity to try new techniques, alter wine additions, and create something they previously imagined. However, conquering the fundamentals associated with winemaking often provides a solid foundation for crafting really great wines. This includes things like: Having sound sanitation practices. Receiving and […]
Getting Stabilization and Bottling to Work for You!
Another quarterly update here! This past quarter, the biggest struggle I have seen among wineries is getting wine stabilization order or winemaking techniques correct, as well as general bottling order. Winemakers that wear multiple hats at a winery (think: needing to prune vines while also stabilizing those past vintage wines left in the cellar) often […]
3 Tips for Better Protein (Heat) Stabilization
For many wines, avoiding a protein haze is a primary objective to obtain visual appeal. Yet, many winemakers struggle with protein stability from logistical and wine quality perspectives. This month’s post reviews three tips on enhancing wine quality with better logistical planning for protein stabilization. The best part: any winery of any size can accomplish […]
3 Hot Winemaking Topics! An Update
Hello everyone! This month I’m checking in via an alternative media: a video! Some of you may recall I tried to do this in 2020, but obvious circumstances quickly changed my direction for the remainder of the year. So now I’m back! With a short new video talking about some changes coming for 2021, new […]