Have you previously experienced difficult-to-filter wines? Are you sure it was the wine that was difficult? Or, could your production practices lead you into a higher prevalence of filtration problems? Let’s find out together. Components in Wine Most of us are familiar with the possibility of microorganisms in the wine. Wine harbors various yeasts and […]
Are You Stabilizing and Preparing Wines for Bottle Properly?
While many winemakers tend to focus heavily on operations and timeliness during harvest, the reality is that post-fermentation processes tend to require a better understanding by many winemakers. Failing to recognize when an operational step is required can be heavily detrimental to wine quality and extend resources of winery employees that are unnecessary. For example, […]
Does it take 12 weeks to bottle a wine?
If you ordered “Everything You Wanted to Know about Wine Bottling,” a 3-part webinar series presented by winemaking and wine QA/QC expert, Zoran Ljepović, you may have noted that he indicates it takes at least 8 to 12 weeks to bottle a wine. How can that be?! What is “Pre-Bottling?” Pre-bottling, the set of operations […]
Are you maintaining the fundamentals on filtration?
Wine filtration seems to stump many of us. Some wines go through filtration with ease. Others… not so much. But why? Why is there such variation in filtration success? Filtration challenges and reminders Filtration is an essential part of the winemaking process, offering both clarification and microbial stability options for a wine. Filtration operations are […]