Early in March, I presented options for how to use wines produced from disease-heavy fruit at the annual Grape Expectations conference in New Jersey. However, given many winemakers could not attend this conference, I’m going to review some of these core concepts in the March Darn Good Winemakers session. If you need help getting something acceptable out of a wine you’re disappointed in, consider joining the Darn Good Winemakers network.
The webinar, Creatively Perfecting Wines from Challenging Vintages, will cover:
- Basic lessons learned from challenging harvest years.
- A review of post-fermentation practices discussed in this article.
- Options for creating clean, consumer-friendly wines from wines that may not have been desirable.
This webinar will also provide you with a list of resources for future challenging vintages.
Tuesday, March 26, 2019
4:00 PM (EST)
It’s an online webinar! You can participate from anywhere you have internet connection.
How can I sign up?
Registration is available through the Darn Good Winemaker network.
You pay a single flat fee for 12 consecutive webinars, hosted once-per-month, with additional Q&A time after each webinar in which you can ask questions pertaining to the webinar topic or issues you’re facing in your actual cellar.
How Much?
Twelve (12) consecutive monthly webinars and the open Q&A time following each webinar is a total, one-time fee of $400. Your registration will provide you with email instructions to access the “Creatively Perfecting Wines from Challenging Vintages” webinar and the next 11 live webinars, as well.
Topics we cover evolve based on Darn Good Winemaker needs. Once you register to become a Darn Good Winemaker, you can also submit winemaking topics you want to learn more about.
Have Questions about the Darn Good Winemakers?
Contact Denise (info@dgwinemaking.com) with questions or session topics suggestions.