In last week’s Winery Operations in Response to COVID-19 blog post, I mentioned that wineries can set up DIY handwashing stations. Since that posts release, I thought of a few additional purposes for this station to help during the COVID-19 pandemic:
- Add at the entrance to the production space. Have employees wash their hands upon entering and exiting the production space.
- Have a station near the bottling line for when it is needed. This may include if employees accidentally touch their face during bottling operations.
- Add a handwashing station to winery-specific delivery vans. Delivery employees can wash their hands immediately before and immediately after each delivery.
- For curbside pick-up. Again, employees can wash their hands immediately before and immediately after each delivery.
- Located in break rooms to use at the start and end of each break. Remember to stagger breaks so employees can keep a safe 6-feet of distance from one another.
- Use at farm stands after handling any purchases.
Have an additional idea on where to plant a handwashing station? Let me know! Send me an email at with the word “handwashing” in the subject line.
Photo from: Denise M. Gardner
Putting a handwashing station together is easy and inexpensive!
Remember washing your hands regularly is one of the main ways to protect yourself from getting COVID-19 as well as spreading it.
The image to the left shows the handwashing station design my husband put together for Farmers’ Market vendors.
Yes! You can use this in the future for your Farmers’ Market sales when you can serve customers samples again and, of course, after cash exchanges.
Building a DIY Handwashing Station
What you need:
- A plastic beverage dispenser ($7.30)
- A plastic paper towel holder
- Example 1 ($3.75 per dispenser)
- Example 2 ($3.30)
- Velcro (S3.00)
- Liquid hand soap with pump dispenser ($1)
- Optional: A catch bucket ($3.50) and lid ($1.80)
- Paper towels (This cost is a bit unknown at the moment)
Rounded up, before paper towels, this comes to a total of $20.35. Though, it is possible to shop around for these pieces and bring the cost down to about $15 per dispenser.