If you ordered “Everything You Wanted to Know about Wine Bottling,” a 3-part webinar series presented by winemaking and wine QA/QC expert, Zoran Ljepović, you may have noted that he indicates it takes at least 8 to 12 weeks to bottle a wine. How can that be?! What is “Pre-Bottling?” Pre-bottling, the set of operations […]
Cellar Tools
Determine Your Winemaking Goals for 2023
The end of the calendar year tends to feel quite chaotic for many winery operations. That’s why Denise Gardner Winemaking offers two end-of-year planning tools to keep your winemaking focused and in a positive direction. Both of these tools are now open to all individuals that read this blog. Don’t forget to review the harvest […]
4 Post-Harvest Reminders for Wineries
The 2022 harvest season was a somewhat taxing harvest year for many. While the end of harvest season can feel physically tiring and draining, it can be a good idea to take a small breather in the cellar and organize one’s thoughts. Taking a few moments to plan can be a helpful strategy in developing […]
Red Wine Color and the Processes that Change It
A winemaker’s desire to produce a deeply colored, concentrated red wine can be a strong driving force behind winemaking operational decisions. Processes like cold soak, extended maceration, or even the use of saignée become the norm when winemakers hear other winemakers employ these techniques to enhance red wine color. But sometimes our use of a […]
Are you taking adequate fermentation records?
Having adequate detail in an easy-to-navigate record keeping format allows winemakers to: quickly see past decisions, evaluate which treatments were effective for various wines, and assess general inventory needs on a regular basis. While the use of wine production software systems are often helpful, many winemakers strive to take good notes on the cellar floor. […]
3 Facts About YAN You Probably Forgot
As many winemakers have already jumped into harvest, I wanted to highlight just how important nutrient supplementation can be during primary fermentation! But, wait! Are you confused about what YAN is? Have no fear! You can jump over to my FREE primer on yeast available/assimilable nitrogen (YAN), Fermentation Nutrition: What to Know and Why to […]